The Essential Items List

1. The first item to start off with are two dog training books.  These will start to guide you as you are thinking about how to set up your home in preparation for your pet.  These books also talk about schedules, potty training, and crate training.  They are excellent reads and my family and I read them together so we were all on the same page. (paid link)

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2. So many of our clients have purchased Snuggle Puppies! What a great way to make your new puppy feel comfortable at home. (paid link)


3. We do recommend using harnesses when the puppies are young. You can injury growing necks by pulling too hard on a collar.


4. The next item we get asked about are crate sizes. We recommend buying the largest crate that you will need with a divider in it to adjust the size as you are training your puppy.  Here are some sizes we recommend depending on the size of your doodle (paid link): (24-32 inch for toy size, 36 inch for minis, 42 inch for mediums, 42 inch + for standards)


5.Toys!!!! Our puppies love crinkle toys!  The more toys the better. Puppies need to learn to play with what is theirs and not things around the house. (paid link)


6. Potty training bells are a must for our clients!! (paid link)


7. For car safety we only recommend the harness with the buckle clip.  We do not recommend a carseat.  They have been know to cause the dogs more injury in accidents.  You can also kennel your dog so I am providing both options. Puppies would need the small size harness. (paid link)


8. Puppies should take about 1-2 weeks to learn how to sleep through the night.  We recommend using a kennel cover (match the size to the size of kennel you purchased) and a noise machine to ensure no distractions during crate training. The pheromone diffuser is a great option if your puppy is showing signs of anxiety. (paid link)


9.  Now on to grooming! You can pay to have your dog groomed how every often you would like. You might still need to do some touch ups in between grooming visits. Here are the items we recommend. (paid link)


10. Pet beds are something that most owners buy as a place for puppies to have that is all theirs.  We do not recommend putting pet beds inside the crates.  Here are some puppy options. (paid link)


11. One of the biggest mistakes that our clients make is the size leash they buy.  We recommend a small, leather, light weight leash when the puppies are first adopted.  This will help with the leash training. The link below should be purchased in the size small. #ad


12. The next item that someone requested our help on is dog bowls.  We only use stainless steel with our puppies.  Plastic is not recommended.  You can research the pros and cons. I use rubber when traveling so I am including both options. #ad


13. So many of our clients ask me about traveling with their pet.  It can be overwhelming but here is a great travel bag option and a carrier option that are airline approved. Just remember that when you choose to fly with your pet you will need to call the airline once the tickets have been purchased and add your puppy to your itinerary.  The puppies can be on a leash in the airport but have to be placed in the carrier during the flight. If you have an older pet then you can choose to get the service certified and take them on the plane without the carrier in tow. Just remember that the airports have lots of germs.  If your puppy has not completed all their shots then I would recommend keeping them in the carrier for most of the airport time. Here are some items we use and/or recommend. #ad


14. Christine recently purchased this doggie door and wanted to share a great option if you are in the market. She is getting hers installed soon (installation by my dad so we will give you an update once it is ready to use). #ad


15. Let's talk about those booties (or shoes!) that people purchase for their pets.  They aren't just ridiculous purchases but they actually keep the pads on your puppies feet safe. When their is ice on the ground the pads of your pets feet can get stuck and actually pull off. Imagine the movie A CHRISTMAS STORY and the tongue getting stuck to the pole.  Yikes!! Here is a great option for all weather. #ad


16. Calling all CITY folk! Christine recommends this grass pad as a great option for training your puppy. It will help them transition from your balcony to grass when you are on walks or go to the park. #ad


17. Okay, lets talk about potty spots! If you are training your puppy to potty outside then a great option is this potty spray.  If you spray it on an area in the yard it will help the puppy to learn where to pee and where not to. If you have young children and want to contain the area then this is a great option. #ad

18. This product has been great for us so we thought we’d share it with you! It’s a super easy way to correct behavior by making a loud air-puff sound. #ad

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19. Your puppy is microchipped but here is another way to keep track of your puppy on your property or just in case he roams the neighborhood.

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